See your organization's impact in real-time

Plan, develop, and execute your strategy effortlessly. Align your teams with a common vision, connecting individual, team, and organizational goals for greater impact.

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Proactive insights

Enable your teams to clearly identify where to allocate time and resources

Align personal, team, and organizational goals to foster greater commitment to your shared mission. Empower everyone in your organization to take ownership of the collective future and drive better results in the communities you serve.

Funder Transparency

Demonstrate the real-time impact of financial contributions to your partners. Build investor confidence and boost contributions.

Build Team Resilience

Empower your teams to adapt, recover, and thrive by equipping them with the insights to identify and address the gaps in the communities they serve. Your staff’s resilience and dedication are key to creating meaningful impact.

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Trigger notification system in Pulse to drive targeted action
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Trigger Notifications Drive Targeted Action

Configure custom alerts to notify specific individuals when action is required, ensuring targeted responses that drive alignment and achieve objectives quickly, while ensuring everyone is well cared for.

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Product features

Powerful features to help you build people, drive alignment, and achieve greater impact

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Custom Reflections to Guide Your Management

Build custom reflections to help you see the developmental journey of the people you manage. The Pulse platform is built to give you real-time analytics into the story being told over time. As a customizable reflection tool, you can tailor the questions to what is most important to you and your work.

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Real Time Insights

Have real-time analytics in your hand to help guide your next steps. Our dashboards are an insight tool that gives you focused insights from across your work. Build custom reports to help you see more clearly where to make adjustments.

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People Development

Pulse is designed to align personal and organizational goals by fostering a culture of development at the grassroots level. Each individual has a unique developmental journey that requires tailored support. With Pulse, your organization can customize goal setting and progress tracking to reflect your philosophy and priorities, ensuring everyone’s growth aligns with overall objectives.

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Engagement & Retention

Pulse allows you to engage people more accurately with its custom reflection tools. By tailoring the questions of your reflections, you can now invite more inviting engagements with the people on your staff and the constituents you serve. Compare your reflections with one another for more meaningful engagement and retention of relationships that are meaningful to you.

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People Management

Organizations have several stakeholders they are required to support. Each group of stakeholders has different requirements for what they need to know, why they need to know it, and when they need to know it. Pulse prioritizes the grass-roots relationship and believes everyone benefits when people doing the day-to-day work are served with meaningful insights supporting their efforts. 

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Learning Management

Learning management systems are designed to dispense content one way. With Pulse, we put reflection practices at the center of learning management. Based on responses in customized reflections, you can identify targeted resources that would best serve the individual instead of keeping them on a static learning pathway.

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Custom Reflections

Keep track of what matters most

Every organization needs to focus on specific outputs. Collaborate with our team to create custom frameworks that highlight the most important factors driving your results.

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Real time feedback

Capture reflections on the go, recall your action plans in the dashboard.

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Just in time notifications

Ensure timely notifications to the right people, providing support that amplifies the impact of your team’s efforts.

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Make Adjustments

Adapt your plans based on the unfolding story

Make the appropriate adjustments to your actions based on what the situation presents.

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See the results

See the complete picture of your organization's impact in real time.

Capture meaningful information and do something about it.

Explore how Pulse can help build resilience in your work.