See the whole story unfold

Personal formation is a lifetime process filled with complexities. You need a way to see the full picture of this process for those you walk with. You need resources designed to support specific challenges at specific times. You need a partner to help you keep a pulse of the formation of those you serve.

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Just in time resources

Get the resource you need when you need it

Pulse connects helpful resources to you based on the responses in your reflections.

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Add additional content

Add other resources to your library as you discover them for reference later.

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Share your learning

Organizations can gain intelligence over time as more of their users engage the platform.

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Insights + resources

Get real-time information to support your efforts

Have automated insights in your hand to help guide your next steps. Profile-specific dashboards give you insights into personal formation over time. Customize reports based on what you need to know.

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Custom Surveys

Your ministry is unique. You need to ask questions that align with your focus. Create custom surveys and reports to guide your work.

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Content Management Systems

Link your existing resources to Pulse

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Monitor the
journey at a glance

See suggested resources on a profile page to help you support ongoing growth in others. See trendlines in key formation areas based on your reflections.

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Custom reports dashboard

See the information you need to support people more accurately.

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Individual reports

Get specific resources for specific people based on what they are facing.

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Explore how Pulse can help build resilience in your work.